Thuja 1-2 ft 8-pack

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  • SKU: 1655325


  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9
  • Privacy Tree
  • Fast Growing Evergreen

Thuja At a Glance

  1. Towering Heights
  2. Rapid Growth Rate
  3. Cold Hardy

The Gold Standard for Evergreen Privacy

Thuja Green Giant is the go-to evergreen tree for creating a lush privacy screen, wind break, or privacy screen. Growing upwards of 40

feet tall and spanning 20 feet wide at maturity, having these giant arborvitae along your property line is a must. Thuja Green Giant are

quite cold hardy as well as resistant to heat waves which makes it very versatile for landscapes across the United States. Thuja care is generally considered low as they require only 4-6 hours of direct sunlight and are resistant to common plant diseases!

  • Grows well in zones 5-9
  • Mature Width: 12-20 feet
  • Mature Height: 20-40 feet
  • Growth Rate: 3-5 feet per year

In the Landscape

Lush Privacy

Thuja Green Giant are most commonly used in the landscape as a natural privacy fence. Sometimes a fence just isn't enough when it comes to creating the seclusion you want for your backyard. A privacy screen of mature thuja's is a unique and beautiful way to meet those needs while maintaining a classy landscape appeal.
Lush Privacy
Green Is Where I Grow!

Green Is Where I Grow!

These tall-growing privacy trees are popular amongst growers across the United States for their versatility in both hot and cold landscapes. See your area in the green? Then you're good to grow!

Wind Break

The dense growth habit of Thuja Green Giant make them great wind breaks. Be sure to plant these trees 5-15 feet apart from their bases so at maturity their limbs begin to overlap and create a natural barricade from strong winds.
Wind Break
Excellent Sound Barrier

Excellent Sound Barrier

Sometimes privacy screens need to block out both sight and sound. A thick line of Thuja Green Giants is a go-to for blocking out loud neighbors.

Thuja Standishii x plicata 'green giant'

Growing miraculously fast and making for the perfect privacy tree, the Thuja Green Giant Tree Pack of Eight is the perfect addition you need for your privacy hedge! This quick growing evergreen tree is simple to care for and winter hardy, making it great for green thumbs and beginners alike. These pyramidal shaped dark rich green trees are sure to make any yard a head-turner as well as provide a solid green wall of privacy! The Thuja can grow 3-5 feet per year, quickly developing both a visual and audio barrier.

Product Details:
Type: Privacy Tree
Quantity: 8 Trees
Shipping Size: 1-2ft tall
Shipping Age:  1 Year
USDA Zone: 5-9
Light Needs: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Water Needs: Keep consistently well-drained
Flowering Season: N/A
Flower Color: N/A
Growth Habit: Upright and mounded
Mature Height: 40 Ft
Mature Spread: 20 Ft
Special Features: Deer Resistant, Privacy, Low Maintenance, Fast Growing, Winter Hardy
Landscape Uses: Hedges, Privacy Fences